Monday, October 10, 2016

Help Me find new Material Please?

Dear Reader,
It has been a while since I wrote, first my computer became a butt, and decided not to charge until I sat is at weird angles and jiggled the cord just right, but all that aside... Let's look at the last week.

This week has been hard, and painful, but also good and wonderful.  Blah and Ya: all at once.  Additionally I have lost some people I thought I would always have, and gained some people I thought I would NEVER have the way I do.  I got many people, and I WILL call them up and check in with them and offer them hope, but now there are people who do the same for me, and it feels great!  It is a miracle that these people are near me, and that they know how much they mean to me, and how big of a part they are in my life.  I don't know what I would do without these 3 most amazing and wonderful people I am so privileged to know!

I have also come to a point, where I am not inspired by my story, If you would like to comment topics that you personally struggle with and I will dedicate time to research this specific issue and do 1 of 2 things:
A) find you some ONLINE resources and Link them In a post that will be titled I Don't Know Anything about _______ Subject, but these people seem to.... So here is what I found, and the first line will look like this: Dear _your name (or Anon if you prefer)_,
Here is what I was able to find, as I am no expert on this and can't say I have experienced I have linked some web sites to this page for you, and I hope you are able to find what you are looking for.
B) I will do my research regardless of my personal experiance with the subject and compose SOME SORT of composition.

***This is a politics free page***
**I will not help you find resources to harm yourself OR others EVER**
*I will NEVER promote emotional damage on this page, so be kind*


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