Sunday, January 22, 2017

My stand

I have tried to stay on the fence about this whole Trump thing, but damn it all why is this bigot in office?
I have something to say, and many of you wont want to hear it, and maybe you wont care, but here goes nothing.
April 2nd 2010 something happened that changed my life forever, I was raped, and until about 10 days ago I didn't remember the way it felt to have my screams ripping out of my throat but be unable to hear them at all. I didn't remember the raw chafed feeling in my throat, or the searing headache, or the way my hips protested movement the next day, but now I do.
I remember it all now.
"Grab 'em by the pussy"
"You can't rape your wife"
These things or President Donald Trump has put out there in the media as a normal thing to say! Wake up America!
This isn't "locker room talk" unless you are in a Prison release party for sexual predators. Consent is NEVER implied, but what is implied is the no. Your daughter is your favorite SEX idol? Wow you creep, and I bet you bathed her at night too!
Your Administration expressed "disappointment" in the protesters, and the men who let their wives and children protest, but President Trump I had to work, but I stand with them.

I am a Nasty Woman, but I am not so Nasty as it may seem.