Friday, September 30, 2016

Remorse of the Day After

I apologize for last night, I was very down when I wrote that.  Parts of it were so clouded by the terror within my soul that I could not even write with my usual eloquence.  Be that as it may, I am but 20 years old, and still experiencing pain in a child like way.  When I feel the terror to my core, and I feel immobilized, and the tears start, and I don't know why, but they wont stop.  And I beg people to stay only to later push them away... Well that's me in the midst of pain.
sometimes the dark is the only hope of finding light

I apologize for putting myself down, and for rejecting my own feelings as invalid, for I am sure that put no one at ease, to share their innermost feelings, but I don't judge you.  Not for what you go through daily or how you handle that...

All I can say is that I am lucky to have the amazing friends that I have, and I love them all very much.
sometimes the light needs the dark to be beautiful.

Thank you all for finding hope in yourselves; because, without hope we are nothing.  Hope is what makes the world a place worth fighting for.  Hope is why I am alive today.  Hope is and always will be all it takes to keep the world moving forward Generation by Generation.  Please don't give up on you.  You are a beautiful creation.  You are a beloved child, and a perfect personification of the most high.

Whatever it took to get you to today, always remember... there are people out there who can help you get to tomorrow.  Angels are as versatile as humans AND demons, so use caution but never, ever, give up on hope entirely.
